Wedding Photography

I Believe

+ I believe God’s vision for marriage is beautiful, and one of his sweetest gifts to us in this life to be treasured and held in honor.

+ I believe the permanence of marriage brings a freedom to blossom and grow as a person like nothing else. 

+ I believe the work we do in our marriages each day can make this world a better place for future generations.  The marriage your children grow up observing will have one of the biggest impacts on their life.

+ I believe in spreading the truth and love of Jesus by showing off his creativity in creation.

+ I also believe in tickle fights, cuddles, playful banter and seeing things with a glass half full.  

Because life is too short to live any other way.

I would be honored to talk to you about what you envision for your wedding day, and how I can make this an easy, customized process perfectly tailored for you.  

Wedding Services Celebration Statement

My highest aim of creative expression is to honor God. This looks like focusing on and filling minds with whatever is true or noble, whatever is right or pure, whatever is lovely or admirable, excellent or praiseworthy (based on Philippians 4). This mentality inspires my photography, blogging, and how I try to serve my clients.

I believe marriage is a special gift from God that represents Jesus Christ’s love for his Church, and it all begins at a wedding between a man and a woman. A celebration where love, joy, purity and beauty are publicly proclaimed. When I get to photograph a wedding, I get to share in the ceremony and publicly celebrate the start of a new relationship between the bride and groom. No other human relationship is quite like it in terms of beauty or significance.

God’s word greatly impacts my life and business. Practically, this means I don’t photograph every wedding that comes my way. I cannot positively depict anything that demeans others, sexually objectifies others, or devalues marriage between one man and one woman. I also can’t photograph anything that conflicts with my religious conviction that marriage is a covenant relationship before God between one man and one woman (for example, I don’t photograph same-sex weddings or ceremonies celebrating an open marriage).

I believe everyone is beautifully made in the image of God and deserves respect. I appreciate the freedom to create and highlight beauty in such a way that is consistent with my beliefs and presents those messages in the best light possible.

You can connect with me by clicking the button below for more detailed information.  

I can't wait to get to know you!  

Average investment is approximately $2,500

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