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“You have TRULY given me a huge part of my life back. I know that you are a prayer answered from God and just had to share with you my appreciation for you. And not to mention how freaky fast you edited that wedding :) Gosh I'm just so thankful!”

- Jodie

“You make everything so easy + your work is timely + professional.”

- Lindsey

Create a sustainable business that fuels your life.

You're booking clients doing what you love.  

Maybe you're full-time or this is your side hustle.  

Somewhere along the way, the editing work started piling up. 

Being free from editing to do other tasks seems like a far distant dream with everything else on your plate: blogging, managing client experience, updating your website copy, adding client testimonials, album design, submitting your work to publications, Instagram strategy, tracking effectiveness on social media, etc.  

"I know I should blog, but I'm not caught up on editing last week's sessions and I have 3 more this week with a wedding on Saturday."

Does that sound familiar?  You're doing work you're proud of, but you don't always have the time to share it with the world (your possible clients!).  

I can take editing off your to-do list so you can get back to working on your business (dreaming up styled shoots you're aching to do, reassessing your direction, setting big picture goals - things only you can do) instead of constantly feeling behind with the day-to-day work in your business.

I'm here to help you get your life back!  

Back to doing the things you love most with plenty of margin to spend your time the way you want.  Outsourcing to a photo editor is one of the fastest ways to free up your time.


How It Works

  • We start by going through the process start to finish with a Skype call or get together in-person.

  • We'll talk about your editing style, how to prepare your Lightroom catalogs, transfer files, set up an editing schedule, and go over any questions you have.

  • If we're a great match, I'll send over a quick questionnaire so we can get started!

Boutique Private Editing Services Statement

My highest aim of creative expression is to honor God. This looks like focusing on and filling minds with whatever is true or noble, whatever is right or pure, whatever is lovely or admirable, excellent or praiseworthy (based on Philippians 4). This mentality inspires my photography, photo editing, and how I try to serve my clients.

I specialize in light, bright + airy edits, emphasizing the beauty and goodness of the world around us. For my wedding photographers, I edit to celebrate and treasure the beauty of marriage between a man and a woman. For my branding photographers, I edit with an eye towards telling a story about the business or product to make it come alive in a positive, exciting way. Because I make each edit to enhance the beauty of the photograph, I can’t celebrate every event or business.

God’s word greatly impacts my life. Practically, this means I don’t edit every project that comes my way. I cannot edit anything that demeans others, sexually objectifies others, or devalues marriage between one man and one woman. I also can’t edit photographs that conflict with my religious convictions, including the conviction that marriage is a covenant relationship before God between one man and one woman (for example, I don’t edit same-sex weddings or ceremonies celebrating open marriage).

I believe everyone is beautifully made in the image of God and deserves respect. I appreciate the freedom to create and highlight beauty in such a way that is consistent with my beliefs and presents those messages in the best light possible.


Apply to Work With Chelsey